Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The drafting of ITélé adopts a motion of no confidence after the announcement of the arrival of Morandini – The World

Jean-Marc Morandini

After the announcement of the imminent arrival of the presenter Jean-Marc Morandini, indicted for ” corruption of a minor, aggravated “, journalists of i-Tv have voted to 92.2 % a motion of no confidence against their management, the second in four months, announced Tuesday, October 11, the society of journalists (SDJ).

Read also : I-Télé puts Jean-Marc Morandini to the antenna, in spite of the review

the drafting of The information channel of the Canal+ group, already chastened by a savings plan drastic, had stressed on Friday that it learned of ” with dismay “ the arrival of the host from the 19 October, to host a daily radio program on the media from 18 hours to 19 hours, a slot key.

191 enrolled, 154 members of the editorial board responded by electronic vote to the following question :

” in The light of recent decisions, including the arrival of Jean-Marc Morandini, do you trust Serge Nedjar (chain director) and Virginie Chomicki (deputy director) to direct iTELE, to advance the hearing of the chain and ensure its image as a serious, rigour and credibility ? “

Only three voted against the distrust and 5.8 % did not express an opinion, according to the LDS.

” The principle of the presumption of innocence “

” We will do everything for that management reconsider its position “, said a representative for +Free, the autonomous union of employees of the Canal+ group, noting ” the impact on the partners and advertisers, “ of the arrival of Jean-Marc Morandini.

The union, which expresses little to the outside, had already declared Monday in a press release its support to the drafting of iTélé. Contacted Tuesday, the station’s management did not wish to comment on the vote on this second motion of no confidence.

directions of the chain and the Canal+ group had stressed on Friday that the LDS was ” into question the principle of the presumption of innocence “, they themselves ” to continue(to have) to apply “.

The facilitator, the 51-year review on September 23, has also been put in removal of trays of NRJ 12 and early morning of Europe 1, of which he was a pillar for years.


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