Sunday, January 8, 2017

The ashes of Carrie Fisher rest in an urn in the shape of pill Prozac – The Figaro

DISAPPEARANCE / VIDEO – Prior to its final voyage to a galaxy far, far away, the actress of Star Wars has offered his loved ones a last grin at his funeral in Los Angeles.

This Friday the 6th of January took place the funeral of Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds on the hills of Hollywood. And as a last act of defiance to his bipolar disorder, the actress is now based in an urn in the shape… of a pill of Prozac.

ALSO READ – What will become of princess Leia in the next Star Wars?

“It was one of his favorite things,” says her brother Todd Fisher at Entertainment Tonight. “She had bought it several years ago. Billie (the daughter of Carrie Fisher editor’s NOTE) and I have thought that she would like to rest on the inside,” he adds. A last trait of humour on the part of the actress who has never hidden his diagnosis and his addictions. Regularly she gave on the subject in the interview.

On ABC News she told: “I am mentally ill. I’m not ashamed to say it. I survived and I survive still in spite of it”. While in the british newspaper The Independent, she said: “I went to the doctor and told him I felt normal on acid, that I was a source of light in a world of moths. It is to this that resembles the manic state”.

The interpreter of Princess Leia in Star Wars and his mother were buried side by side in the famous cemetery of the Forest Lawn Memorial Park, which houses the tombs of the stars of Hollywood such as Bette Davis and Buster Keaton. The two actresses have died few hours apart on January 27 and 28.


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